Yay, Mrs. Brown and Lindi for keeping the dream alive. Let's keep on posting.
I'm focusing right now on fiction that features strong girls/women but that aren't romances. I'm not interested in coupledom at the moment. The Tiffany Aching books are great for that. I'm just finishing Wintersmith, and although it's not as laugh-out-loud funny as Wee Free Men, I think it's in many ways more thought-provoking.
I haven't been a big Tamora Pierce fan, but she certainly writes about non-romantic heroines. I just read the mammoth Terrior, the first of the Beka Cooper series (others haven't been published yet, but are planned). I don't care for the violence in this book, but I admired the tough young woman Beka (who is an ancestor of Alanna), persevering in her need to find the perpetrator of a series of child murders.
Reading Rants Redux!
1 year ago