Friday, March 9, 2007

Welcome Brandi

Let's hear it for Brandi (such a fine girl), our newest contributor! What are you going to read this weekend, now that finals are finished? I would love to be reading An Abundance of Katherines, but unfortunately, it is checked out. So I guess I'll have to knit instead. Or borrow a book from Lindi.


Mrs. Brown said...

Well, Guess who returned the book friday? That's right. Mrs. Brown did. :D

Lindi said...

That's right, Mrs. Brown did! And Lindi checked it out and then loaned it to Lisa -- so it all happened exactly as planned! (As long as Lisa returns it to Lindi!)

Meanwhile I read Gossamer by Lois Lowry (excellent!) and Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin -- also excellent!

Lisa said...

Yes, thank you very much indeed, Mrs. Brown. And Lindi. And I am very much liking the book, but since I read in bed, I have fallen asleep twice with it. I can't bring myself to read much during the day, even when it's pouring rain as it has been much of the weekend. So I will try again this evening. The first thing I need to do is figure out where I am on the bell curve of Dumpers and Dumpees.

Oh, and Gossamer? I think Lois Lowry is one of the top three living children's authors. How does she do it? And now I have to think about who the other two are...