My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A few plot holes mar this otherwise excellent kick-ass girl mystery. Kami is a great main character -- fearless, smart, funny AND she has had an imaginary friend all her life! (I wish I could have held on to mine. I miss you, Suzanne Davis!) She and Jared talk to each in their minds all the time and it's great. Okay, so they don't think too much about it, because doing that makes them wonder about their sanity . . . as in "really? I have apparently made up a whole life for my imaginary friend?" As long as they don't think to closely about it, it's cool -- there's always someone to talk to, to comfort and commiserate with.
And then they meet IRL. Oh dear.
Isn't that a terrific set up? I'm in awe -- what an absolutely brilliant concept for a paranormal novel!
But honestly, if you were told about some sinister happening in an abandoned mansion out in the boonies which no adults will tell you about, would your first step be to go there? Or might you check the local archives in the library or the newspaper office? Especially considering you do know that you can check local history in the library and the newspaper office? Hmmm? Aside from the creep factor, this is why I have trouble with reading scary books -- the characters do such stupid things.
I'll take off my grinchy hat now and admit that I have already looked up when book 2 is scheduled for publication -- next October! Woo-hoo!!
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