Somehow the school year is over and we never composed our summer reading list! Oh dear! Instead, we are going to use our blog to occasionally post suggestions, so check in now and again to see what we are reading and recommending this summer.
In honor of the Seattle Mini Maker Faire this weekend, here are my favorite crafting books:
Quilting with Style: Principles for Great Pattern Design, published in 1993. Every time I pick it up, authors Gwen Marston and Joe Cunningham remind me that quilting (and indeed any craft) is about process. It is not a race and it's not about shopping for the newest gadget.
Improv Sewing by Nicole Blum (2012), also encourages the process of creativity. Yes, there are some patterns and directions, but the underlying theme is empowerment -- figure out what you want to do and I'll bet that if sewing is involved Blum's book will have at least one project that you can adapt to make it happen.
Two great magazines supporting the maker community are Make: Magazine and Cloth Paper Scissors. Look here for inspiration as well as techniques. There are scores more periodicals, not to mention all the blogs and YouTube videos out there teaching everything from making a wallet out of keyboard circuit sheets to cross-stitch samplers.
Cooking is making too. Do you know Edna Lewis? She was the grande dame of Southern cuisine, writing several cookbooks. Tonight I made a rustic rhubarb pie from The Art of Southern Cooking, co-authored by Scott Peacock, and all I can say is delicious. There's also a charming picture book about Miss Lewis called Bring Me Some Apples and I'll Make You a Pie. It's by Robbin Gourley, and is available from your public library. While you're there, sign up for their summer reading program.
Reading Rants Redux!
1 year ago
1 comment:
Alabama Chanin's books, Mary and Joy's blog,A Passionate Plate,
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